Thursday, June 26, 2008

One Christian's Story

There's a retired pastor who lives in the Boise area. He spent many years on the African continent in missions. He's a man who's very curious, and the other day he asked if I knew a book that would help him learn about the religious culture of the Pacific Northwest. So I recommended this title. I'm just now finishing reading it. I give it four out of five stars. A pretty good read.

The author Don Miller lives in Portland Oregon and tells a rambling and honest story about (using language familiar in Lutheran circles) "living into" the Christian faith. The subtitle, "nonreligious thoughts on Christian spirituality" is a great way to begin describing the book. His story is told autobiographically, and he twists and turns around corners of doubt and poignant courage in speaking from his heart of faith.

It's a good book for those who want to have some of their own questions articulated (we all have these questions, or variations on those themes), and for those who want to learn more about the religious culture, or climate, of the Northwest. I have a lot to learn! As I finished this book tonight, I asked myself, "what would my story sound like?" A good reflective exercise for anyone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's funny... I once heard being Lutheran like singing the blues. The pastor even played us some blues music and had us think of our journey as Lutherans. Interesting that the same analogy comes through here.