Monday, July 14, 2008


What are the honeycombs? I hadn't known about them until this summer. To get there, you can drive through Succor Creek campground south of Adrian, and then up those rolling hills and past Three Finger Butte. Then just park and hike in the general direction of Owyhee Reservoir.

It's not quite so random as that. We had a GPS unit with us. It was a day hike and I enjoyed myself thoroughly, minus the overheating I experienced. That was an embarrassment.

The "Honeycombs." They earned their name, sharing the same color and being pocked with the results of erosion. At a distance, we saw Dry Creek on the reservoir, with its cabins. A peaceful, stark scene.

We saw the creek below us, but had a hard time figuring out how to get down from these heights. Deserves a return trip. Crazily enough, we saw the remains of an old corral way up there, wedged between the rocks. it was an amazing sight, and I wondered who would have the strength and patience to get materials into that remote place.

There were wild horses and a few other critters, and many songbirds. Also there were wildflowers that were unfamiliar to me. Day hike require a bit of planning, but much less than hiking trips. They are a great way to get out and enjoy this wonder that we humans call "creation."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful reflection on Creation!! I'm glad you got to see the Honeycombs...

Interesting to think isn't it that that vision you witnessed God had been preparing for millions of years for you to see! Kinda makes you stop and wonder about what God is really up, I've been getting too close to North Dakota lately!)...