Saturday, June 7, 2008

Short Schrift

So I realized that I have a bunch of NW Airline frequent flier miles. Through an email I received it looks like I can redeem these miles for magazines. Looking through a list of magazines I decided on Time, Newsweek, and The Atlantic. Among those, the mag with the longest articles is Atlantic. They seem to choose fewer subjects but they let them go more "in depth."

Ironically, the article that I noticed this time was one about reading ("Is Google Making Us Stoopid?"). The point of the article is that in our internet generation, our attention span for text is getting less and less. The short text involved in headlines and emails is creating a new way of reading. The irony is, this article about shorter articles goes on and on!

So, if you were able to stick with me to the end of this email, note that this article points out that the human brain is amazingly malleable, that new pathways are made very quickly, even in adulthood. I think this is so interesting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting that you took that article as a positive rather than a negative. That probably points to your generation more than you realize. We tend to see these things as positives rather than "oh my gosh! I can't believe how short people's attention spans are..." negatives. Of course that begs the question. How short are your sermons??