Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Word for Today

From First Corinthians 13

For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then we will see face to face. Now I know only in part; then I will know fully, even as I have been fully known. 

Have you gone through the experience of having cataracts? I haven't and I am thankful for that, but I know many people who have. Before the procedure they have a steady decline in their ability to see detail. The world gets cloudy, fuzzy even. After the procedure to remove the cataracts, people act like they have a newfound freedom. A new lease on life. The ability to capture with your eye what you had been missing all along, that must be a sensational spiritual feeling!

Do you have spiritual cataracts? Do you miss the detail of God's work in the world around you? Are the loving acts of people toward you clouded with bitterness, or regret, or guilt? As you've graduated through the grade levels of the "hard knock" school of life, has your ability to see the way God sees gotten steadily more vague? It's understandable.

Love. That's the concept, the spiritual practice, that comes right before the cataract problem in this passage. Paul says with hope, "we will see (Christ) face to face." Love is what binds a community together. Love hardly ever feels equal (we so often feel that we are loved MORE than we love). Love is the way of Christ, a gift given through cloudiness from me to you and you to you to you. Do you ever love not knowing how it will turn out in the end? Good! One day, you will see your Lord face to face. Who could think of a better promise than that?

Pastor James Aalgaard
St. Paul Lutheran Church


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