Trinity Sunday - God as three-in-one, one-in-three
From Psalm 8:
O LORD our Lord,
how majestic is your name in all the earth!
From "Come, Join the Dance of Trinity" text by Richard Leach
"Come, speak aloud of Trinity, as wind and tongues of flame
set people free at Pentecost to tell the Savior's name.
We know the yoke of sin and death, our necks have worn it smooth;
go tell the world of weight and woe that we are free to move!"
What a multidimensional festival this is! Holy Trinity. In the Lutheran Book of Concord, this is described as "the greatest mystery in heaven and on earth."
We have a creating God (still creating), a saving God (still saving) and a sustaining God (still..)!
So much theology is written by thinkers who openly wonder, ask deep questions and then set out answering them. To read them feels like going on a merry-go-round! We want to KNOW, and in our knowing we get hung up on doubt, exceptions (seemingly), and minutia. Perhaps the best way to begin understanding Trinity, the Dance, is to consider something visual.
This image below shows three distinct points, reminding us of the three persons of the Trinity, but there's a ring in the middle, showing the oneness of God, and this entire image is carved from one piece of wood. If you trace the image with your finger you will notice its continuity.
Image from signsofspirit2010 found on
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