Monday, November 19, 2012

Word for Today

From Revelation chapter one:

  8I am the Alpha and the Omega, says the Lord God, who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.

Christ the King Sunday is this week. It marks the end of the liturgical church year. The Sunday coming next is the first Sunday in Advent, which begins the time of waiting for the Christ Child.

When you think of endings, do you think of the "end of the line," the "final mile," or the "last hurrah?" I think of endings in such a way. As if it's a line on a page.

But in Christ, there is something else working. It is as different as time is to eternity. Christ teaches us that he is the beginning and the end, the first and the last letter of the alphabet. Simultaneously! Only the Lord of heaven and earth can be both the beginning and the end, never becoming less of the other!

The picture here is a celtic pattern. You can trace the pattern until you become exhausted, but you will not find the end of it. You will come to the end of your patience before you find the end of the pattern!

This must be a very simple picture of the eternity we get to know in Christ. The ruler of all, Jesus the Human One, has always been and always will be. The Word today, is that because you belong in him, you get to find yourself somewhere there, in Eternity.


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