Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Patience, a Gift of the Spirit

Once you have love, joy, and peace, can patience follow?

Here we are, working our way through one of the lists of the gifts of the Spirit. Does each gift build on the previous gift? Like the tiers of a pyramid, do the gifts of the Spirit come together so that the top of the pyramid, the cap, is “self-control?” Well, I am probably linking these gifts in a way that was not intended by Paul, but it is an interesting thought. Maybe self-control is so rare because the previous gifts are often not in place!

But now we have the gift of patience. As I look over this list, it seems that patience is the least people-oriented gift of the Spirit. When I think of patience, I think of it as something I need to “do” so that “I” can have what “I” have been waiting for. Blech. And it is usually about materials things, stuff that loses it’s shine and smell of newness as soon as I bring it into my home. Entire economies are built trusting that people are not very good at patience.

If we re-frame this gift however, if we cast a different light on it which is the light of the Holy Spirit, if we see it from another angle, perhaps it becomes more attractive and achievable. What if patience is more about what happens one person to another? What if we could put away our fascination with “stuff” for a while and think about the people who are part of our lives? All of a sudden it seems like we have better air to breathe. We know there are people who are patient with us, and so we recognize the ability to be patient with others.

Lyman Abbott wrote “Patience is passion tamed.” The patience that the Holy Spirit gives is a far cry from apathy or lethargy. The apathetic and lethargic are not patient - they have simply given up. When passion has a direction and the strength to get there one step at a time, like a laser, there is a tremendous amount of direction and purpose.

So in our faith, when is patience called for? You should add to this list:
When our children and grandchildren have not demonstrated a living, active faith.
When people of other faith traditions tell you “how it is.”
When you disappoint yourself spiritually.
When the Bible isn’t speaking to you.
When you would like to finish your journey in this life, and be with your Lord in heaven.
When each today is too much like yesterday.

May the Lord of love, joy, peace and patience be with you.

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